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I've been to Italy a several times:



From the Atlanta Journal Constitution 8/12/2007: 

The merchants of Venice have two sets of prices: one for locals and one for "rude" tourists who don't speak Italian. If you are Italian a croissant and a cappuccino costs 3.50 euros, if you speak another another language, it cost 7 euros.  Local police have taken complaints about such gouging.  Some spots have three scales: one for Italians, one for rude tourists, and one for "sympathethic"tourist who try to communicate inmore than monosyllables and grunts.


Some Pictures on this page and more pictures here:   Italy Pictures Then and Now


St. Peters square in Rome



I saw the Pope speak in 1979. Second window from the right:



Florence Italy - Statue of David

Where is this statue in the United States?
I took this picture in 2004.



This picture was also taken in the United States.

Where is it?

This is St.Marks Square in Venice, Italy


Entering the Blue Grotto in Capri Italy:


Inside the Grotto:



The Vatican in Rome. This is my photo of the Sistine Chapel front wall.

This was taken in 1978 before it was cleaned.


My photo of the Sistine Chapel ceiling.


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