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Dalai Lama

in Atlanta, Georgia

I saw the Dalia Lama in Atlanta twice. First time on October, 2007 and a second time October, 2010.

In 2007, the Dalai Lama spoke in Altanta in Centennial Park. It was free and very moving. See my notes from his speech below

In 2010, I paid $80.00 to see him participate in the "Summit on Happiness" at the Woodruff PE Center.  It was a terrible venue for acoustics.  There was seven people seated in big, comfortable chairs on the stage. Representing Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It was very difficult for the audience to hear the people on stage.  I'm glad I saw him in 2007.

About the SAND MANDALA Construction Process  and


Monday October 22, 2007

Dalai Lama spoke in Altanta in Centennial Park.  It was pouring rain all day. 

 I took MARTA downtown.  I found a spot to put down my plastic and sit on the wet grass. 

About 30 minutes before the celebration was supposed to start, it stopped raining. 

First there was entertainment - a jazz trio, chanting.  Then the President of Emory. Then an Alson Byrd Partner, then  Jon Lewis 5th Congressional district.  And his introduction:

He was born in 1934

In 1936 he was recognized as the Dalai Lama

1950 head of Tibet

1959 exile to Northern India.  He realized that more violence would happen if he stayed in Tibet.

1989 Nobel Peach Prize

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is both the head of state and the spiritual leader of Tibet.
For more, go to:


Finally, the Dalai Lama spoke. He is the 14th Dalai Lama These are my notes from what he said:

I met Martin Luther King's wife.

I heard stories.

I don't know medicine. I know how to take medicine.

We want happy human beings.  We want happy family. We want happy humanity. Visions are important for the happy life and the future.

I am proud to be a professor at this university.  I don't have much time to teach. I am a lazy person. Don't do homework.  So I am a “hopeless professor"

But till my death, I offer my service.

I am nothing special.

We are all the same.

We all have the same potential for every thing :destructiveness or constructiveness.

When we face difficulties, it is our own inner qualities.

Painful experiences should not stay in your mind.  You will not be a happy person.

Don't let problems destroy you peace of mind.

Within your mind are emotions. Good emotions.  Make an effort to increase constructive emotions.

With mindfulness and earnest so destructive emotions cannot remain long here.

Nurture positive emotions so they gain strength. Our survival depends on other care.

The turtle and the butterfly - Offspring came from their mother. Survival depends on other care, not their mothers care therefore they don't show compassion and affections.   As human beings, our survival depends on  others care so our survival depends on our affection. 

We are equipped for self affection but we learn it from our mothers.

Grow up without affection and you suffer. You are are not sensitive to others. There is anger and violence

Peaceful self and society comes from inner peace which comes from our mother and nurturing.

1.     Family life is important. Give children maximum care and affection. course I am a monk, I don't know this. but you do.

2.     Second education. Modern education system is not adequate for full brain development- it is important to fully educate kindergarten to university.

This professor is available to educate humanity in love and compassion and forgiveness.  These people follow a religion.

As much as you love god, you must love your fellow human being.

Follow Gods wish you must be intimate with God to know his wish.

Unhappy mother causes suffering.  Happy mother causes happiness.

If you study religion it is good.  If you are not religious, it is more difficult to have love and compassion and affection.

Compassion brings self confidence.  Take care of yourself and it is easier to take care of others so volunteer.

Reduce fear and you you will have a more calm life, peace of mind, vey important element.

To have genuine world peace, individuals should develop inner peace.

Then outer peace can be achieved.

We need to attain inner disarmament because the concept of war is outdated.

Destruction of your enemy is equal to distruction of yourself.

You must have the spirit of reconciliation.

Bloodshet will not solve problem - we should have dialog.

Dialog understand others view and work toward compromise.

Peace Corp is good.

Japan - the suicide rate is rising

they need a sense of purpose. A "Peace Corp"

Americans have great potential to serve other people.

American arrogance is possible, so be careful.

All religions are the same - even Islam.  All people who practice religion should extend love.

There are different philosophies, different methods but the end result is the same purpose.

All come from one teacher, even in Buddhism, different philosophy, different dispositions among followers so different approach is necessary because of the audience.

When he was standing in front of a statue of Jesus Christ:

"For a moment I really felt moved in front of the great master"

I appreciate his philosophy and teaching. I have respect for other religions.

Many religions have the adapted to a concept of pluralism ,that is , there are several religions, several practices.  India has done this.

oh one other thing, now I forget.. no, sorry.

Thoughts on Olympics in China.  China is the most populated, ancient nation. They deserve to host the Olympics.  They must integrate into the mainstream of the world community.

China promotes  "unhealthy things" - censorship etc. We must all open our minds. 

After the Dalai Lama finished speaking, it started raining again.


The famed Multiphonic Singers of Drepung Loseling Monastery performed.

Tibetan temple music is particularly renowned in the west for its two forms of multiphonic singing known as jok-kay (low tone) and bar-da (high tone). In both forms, each of the main chantmasters simultaneously intones three notes, thus each individually creating a complete chord. The Tibetans are the only culture on earth that cultivate this most extraordinary vocal ability. This tradition is also known as "overtone singing" because it is accomplished by means of learning to control the muscles of the vocal cavity and then re-shaping it while singing, thus intensifying the natural overtones of the voice. In effect, the body is transformed into an effective overtone amplifier.

About the Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc. - Atlanta

In 1991, as a result of The Mystical Arts of Tibet tours, the monks were invited to establish a seat in North America. Thus Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc. was born in Atlanta, Georgia. A non-profit organization dedicated to the study and preservation of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of wisdom and compassion and a center for the cultivation of both heart and intellect, Drepung Loseling provides a sanctuary for nurturing inner peace, community understanding, and global healing. In 1998 Drepung Loseling and its North American seat established academic affiliation with Emory University with the objective of promoting transcultural understanding and scholarly interchange. This historic affiliation between two major institutions of learning was inaugurated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on May 12, 1998.

In addition to its academic and spiritual programs, Drepung Loseling is committed to helping preserve the endangered Tibetan culture, which today leads a fragile existence in the exiled refugee communities in India and Nepal. In conjunction with Richard Gere Productions, it coordinates The Mystical Arts of Tibet World Tours and oversees the Drepung Loseling Educational Fund, a sponsorship program for the adoption of monks in training at Drepung Loseling Monastery. For information, visit our web site at

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About the SAND MANDALA Construction Process

With pictures from the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper.  They made a sand mandala when the Dalai Lama was here in October, 2007:

1) Opening Ceremony: The monks begin by consecrating the site of the mandala sand painting with approximately 30 minutes of chants, music, and mantra recitation. This event is visually and acoustically striking, and draws large audiences and enormous media attention.

2) Drawing of the Lines: Immediately after the Opening Ceremony the monks start drawing the chalk line design for the mandala on the wooden platform. This is very exacting work that takes about three hours to complete.

They are drawing the "Amitayus Mandala".  Amitayus is the Buddha of Boundless Life

3) Mandala Construction: Starting in the middle and working outward, the monks pour millions of grains of sand one color at a time, from traditional metal funnels called chakpur. Each monk holds a chak-pur in one hand, while running a metal rod on its grated surface; the vibration causes the sands to flow like liquid.The finished mandala is approximately five feet by five feet in size, and takes three to five days of work.    

4) Mandala Completion: The monks conclude their creation of the mandala with a consecration ceremony.

5) Dismantling the Mandala: Traditionally most sand mandalas are destroyed shortly after their completion. This is done as a metaphor of the impermanence of life.  During the closing ceremony, the monks dismantle the mandala, sweeping up the colored sands and placing them in an urn, to fulfill the function of healing. When requested, half of the sand is distributed to the audience as blessings for personal health and healing.

6) Dispersal of the Sand: The remaining sand is carried in a procession by the monks, accompanied by guests, to a flowing body of water, where it is ceremonially poured to disperse the healing energies of the mandala throughout the world.

Also see and

The Atlanta Journal Constitution March 11, 2011 article by Ashwini Bhatia and Tim Sullivan 

In Dharmsala, India the 76-year old Dalai Lama said he will give up his role in the Tibetian government and shift that power to an elected representative.

The Dalai Lama said the time had come to "devote my formal authority to the elected leader".

Any Tibetan who has registered with the government in exile is allowed to cast a ballot

Beijing vilifies the Dalai Lama as a political schemer. China intends to have the final say in naming his successor. 

China considers the Dalai Lama "a political exile under a religious cloak, now engaged in activities aimed at spliting China"


Llama with two L's has four legs. Lama with one L has two legs.


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