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VA Williamsburg

May, 2000

Memorial Day weekend getaway. Williamsburg, Jamestown, Kitty Hawk, and Cape Hatteras.

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Captain John Smith.
Jamestown 1607 - The first permanent colony of the English people.

The picture of this sign was taken in 1972.  It says "The fort, it is believed, stood just beyond this marker"  This sign was not there when we visited in 2000.  They have discovered that 80% of the original fort is still on land and they are just starting to excavate it.

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Jamestown - Old Church Tower. Picture taken in 1972

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Built in 1639.  3 stories high.  Used until 1750.   It's were Pocahontas was married.

Same Church Tower. Picture taken in 2000.

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Brother in 1972 --->

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Kitty Hawk
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Cape Hatteras lighthouse in it's new location.
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