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GA Habitat for Humanity

Working on a Habitat House in Smyrna, Georgia.

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This is the Habitat World Global Village in Americus, Georgia.

From their web site:  "The Global Village & Discovery Center offers a unique way to travel the world and learn about how Habitat for Humanity International works in partnership with families everywhere to eliminate poverty housing, all without leaving beautiful Southwest Georgia."   It is a 6-acre development where you can can see model Habitat houses from mre than 35 countries


I visited it in April, 2003.  It was still under construction and it wasn't open yet, but I had called ahead and asked for a tour.  That was incredible to see. I can't wait to go back again to see all the houses.

The visitor's center at the World Global Village

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House sponsorship (cost to build the house) in U.S.$

   Zambia cost: $3,300

   Congo cost: $3,700

   Tansania cost: $ 2,900

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The Village under construction

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Botswana house

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Haiti house has vented block windows, concrete vaulted roof (steel reinforced).  Cost $6,540 (urban)


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Inside the Guatemala house:

Guatemala House.  Cost U.S.$2,822.
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Papua New Guinea. More than 1,000 Habitat houses have been built here. House sponsorship: U.S.$3,990
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South Africa house is corrugated concrete sheet roofing, glass window with wood frame.  Cost: $5800

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Habitat Tours at 121 Habitat Stree, Americus 31709 (229) 924-6935


Stayed at Jameson Inn  1-800-jameson (229) 924-2726

    1605 E. Lamar St
    Americus, Georgia   31709
    Phone: 229-924-2726
    Fax: 229-924-0982

Paid $45 + 6% sales tax + 7% lodging tax = $54.24.


In Southwest Georgia you should follow the The Andersonville Trail  and see Habitat for Humanity, Providence Canyon, Jimmy Carter home in Plains, and Andersonville POW prison.


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